Make Your Condos Smart

The Bay Area is experiencing explosive growth in new condo development. This puts pressure on developers to retain and attract the right new buyers. Among the most in-demand (and marketed) amenities is technology, from communications to security to automation to green-energy. What infrastructure do you need to ensure your building is fresh 10 years down the road? What smart home capability should you offer with your units to meet the needs of your target buyers?

At a minimum, we recommend installing a good network. VHT can pre-wire each unit for video and audio distribution and install a robust wifi network to ensure that residents can connect the devices they want without the need for you to drill holes and open up walls down the road. Smart lighting is also a big selling point and added convenience. For high-end units, a home theater with built-in surround sound can be a desirable feature. Or a couple of flat screen TVs with sound bars may be enough to provide the finishing touch your buyers are looking for…